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News Updates
DATE: 6. 4 . 99   |   TITLE: We're Up!

Welcome to the Grand Opening of Garbage BETA Version. This page is dedicated to the group called Garbage. The links are all in blue, and if you are in Internet Explorer 4+ they will be highlighted when you move your mouse over them. The main links are on the left. To return to this page, all you have to do is click the G in the top left corner.

In the CD's section you will find a list of CD's published by Garbage and a list of songs on each of those CD's.

The Hits page holds a list of hits and where they are hits.

If you go to the Songs page you will be able to listen to any song from their 2 main CD's (Garbage and Version 2.0).

News will hold all the previous news which appears here, on the main page.